Our online training in Floral Design combined with our online training in Start Your Own Business will give you the information you need to combine a career designing floral arrangements with starting a successful florist business. This program will help you to create the floral business you want.
Course Programs
Combined Course Hours: 495
Course Type:
Mentor Supported
Combined Course Hours: 450
Course Type:
Mentor Supported
Our online training in Interior Decorating & Design Entrepreneur Program focuses on teaching you about a number of innovative interior decorating & design ideas for the home, office, and more while at the same time helping you to create the business you want!
Combined Course Hours: 450
Course Type:
Mentor Supported
Our online Professional Cooking & Catering Program will help you learn the cooking and baking principles you need to plan great dishes and menus in order to operate a successful catering business; while also helping you to learn the skills and techniques needed to create that business.
Combined Course Hours: 405
Course Type:
Mentor Supported